
Project Smiles was formed and created under the name of Project Smile - an individual project by co-founder Trang Dinh with a purpose of emphasizing what it means to be optimistic: looking on the brighter side of life. Now, with the help of Christopher Nguyen, this project has been reformed to apply to all applicants, young or old. Project Smiles is a daily record of the great things in life that keeps us smiling. Anyone and everyone is welcome to submit their stories. The founders; Trang Dinh and Christopher Nguyen hopes that in making this project, it will inspire ourselves and others to keep smiling and living life to the fullest.

LMS - Left/Leaves Me Smiling (:

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Transcending Love

" I have two neighbors, and I've never seen one without the other. They always do everything together: cook, garden, shop, attend mass. I went to church and sat behind them. During the peace where you shake hands or hug, I saw them turn and kiss each other.They're in their seventies. Love that transcends feelings and time LMS. (: "

- Annie N.

[Photocredit to SweetCocaine]