" Today was my school's graduation. My best friend and I were gray gowns, so we had the privilege of sitting with them; escorting them in and out of the ceremony. Sitting alongside my best friend hearing all these speeches about friendships and dreams made me realize that for six years, she has stuck with me through thick and thin. She tolerated my selfishness, laughed at my mistakes, smiled with me, and comforted me at my time of need. She is my motivation. She is the reason I am who I am today. A year from now, we will be sitting in the same seats that we sat today, getting our own diplomas. And honestly, I don't think there is anyone I would rather graduate with but her. I love you Vyvy, our long lasting friendship LMS. (: "
- Trang D.
[Photocredit to Trang D.]
- Trang D.
[Photocredit to Trang D.]