" Today was my third day of summer break, and what can I say? It was amazing! Haha. I woke up to a sunny, cloud free morning with the cool breeze coming through my window. I was instantly awake and in an amazing mood. You know those days where nothing goes wrong? Today was one of them! My good friend/teacher/catechist of mine who is a popular motivational speaker asked me to take pictures for him at his talk at Western Washington University and I instantly took his offer. I brought along my friend who is also a photographer and we drove 2 hours to get there. At first I was nervous to disappoint him because it was my first time taking photos at a big event for someone who needs the photos. After a few test shots, I just threw away my fear and believed in myself, and as a result I take many amazing pictures. It was a great experience and I learn a lot from his talk such as "If you're stressing.. control your PMS!" -Hoan Do- and that quote made everyone gasp but he fooled everyone when he said P-hysical, M-ental, S-piritual. Haha. His talk taught me a lot and it was a lot of fun as well! Later when I got home my friend Ravit drove me to my friend Julie's house so I can drop off fabric paint she needed, and I thought no one was home until I saw her dad and it was quite awkward when I gave it to him but it's all good! I got home and my beloved friend Trang told me she wrote a blog about me and I read it and it just left me with a giant smile on my face. She wrote about our history and all these amazing things about me which made me feel warm inside. Two days ago she gave me her prom picture and left me a note on the back and it also just left me in a state of awe. I'm glad that I'm friends with her and I hope that our friendship will never end and will stay strong from now and forever. She is honestly the one who LMS every day for the last few weeks. She has influence and impacted my life so much in such little time. I don't know where I'd be if I didn't get my friendship back with her. I la la la lab her and hope she never changes because she's just one of a kind person who you'd be lucky to have in your life. I sound corny right now but I mean every word! Overall, today was just priceless.. a day to remember.. a day to look back on.. a day of relaxation and satisfaction.. today just LMS (; "
- Christopher N.