
Project Smiles was formed and created under the name of Project Smile - an individual project by co-founder Trang Dinh with a purpose of emphasizing what it means to be optimistic: looking on the brighter side of life. Now, with the help of Christopher Nguyen, this project has been reformed to apply to all applicants, young or old. Project Smiles is a daily record of the great things in life that keeps us smiling. Anyone and everyone is welcome to submit their stories. The founders; Trang Dinh and Christopher Nguyen hopes that in making this project, it will inspire ourselves and others to keep smiling and living life to the fullest.

LMS - Left/Leaves Me Smiling (:

Friday, June 18, 2010

Memory Lane

"My grandmother recently passed away a couple months ago, and her memorial service was a month ago. We're still cleaning things up from the service, taking care of bills, and finishing up thank you's and donations written in her memory. She was diagnosed with brain cancer in February and the doctor gave us two months. We couldn't do anything about it, but we stayed and visited her as much as we could as her memory deteriorated away. It was tough for the family because we weren't expecting her to leave us so soon, but she lived a good, long life at 91. I was going through her old photos and scanning them for the slideshow, but ended up crying, laughing, and smilubg at the young grandmother I knew and had lived with.

One day, the family was together at her house eating lunch when we asked everyone what their favorite memory of grandma was. My mom and my uncles said they had way too many, and my siblings went into detail of all the things they did with grandma; picking blackberries, baking pies, making arts & crafts, and singing hymns with her. It was finally my little cousin, Timmy, who is only four years old. Not really understanding what was going on, when asked of his favorite memory with Grandma, he simply answered, 'Loving her.' Hearing these memories, and especially the sweet answers of the little ones LMS :) "

- Michaela K.

[Photocredit to Sasoo]