" On December 10, 2009 my best friend from my church passed away. She was 25, a first time mother, my co-Sunday school teacher, and just the nicest person in the whole world. My dad picked me up at school the day she passed away and parked at the school parking lot. The second he told me the news, I was crushed and my world was shattered at it's core. The last time I recall talking to her was the Sunday before she passed away. We spent service time talking about life and baking brownies for the kids. The kids had a Christmas performance the following Sunday. The Saturday she passed away, I went up to my pastor's house (she was married to the pastor's son), and there I saw my best friend's baby (she was pregnant and passed away right after giving birth). Her baby's presence in the room gave me the feeling of hope. However, it wasn't until I looked at her little face when I got the feeling that my best friend's legacy would never be forgotten, and that God was truly with all those grieving for my best friend including myself. Her child LMS. (: "
- Reuel M.
- Reuel M.
[Photocredit to Reuel M.]